Community Update November 28th 2013 – Custom OAuth, WebAPI, and more

So I’ve skipped a few days to see what would come up. It was well worth waiting. First, Dominick Baier from did two more parts for his Web API Identity dissecting. Then Jerrie Pelser from wrote a Yahoo, LinkedIn and GitHub OAuth provider for OWIN. If you needed those, they are right bellow up for grabs!

Then Brock Allen did an awesome post on OWIN Cookie Authentication. A must read!

Finally, I included a project for F# OWIN support as well as a nice comparison of advantages/disadvantages of each web technology we have in the .NET world (made by Microsoft). As a cherry on top, I included a link by Imran Baloch (ASP.NET MVP) on how to do page instrumentation in .NET 4.5.


OAuth providers

Web API & Identity

