Community Update 2014-03-27 – #SPAHelper by Chris Love, #webdev, #aspnet, #swagger with #webapi and #git pull is bad

First, I’m bringing you the SPAHelper by Chris Love. This is worth looking at.

Patrick Desjardins is bringing us a quick fix for Bootstrap with smaller than 768px screen width. We also have a nice explanation on why a CDN is “slow” for mobile devices (hint: it isn’t).

Today, Project Helios hits another milestone with the 1.0.0-alpha1 hitting nuget today by Levi Broderick. Scott Hanselman show us on how you can block a folder from executing ASPX pages.

We have much more so I’ll let you guys read those before going on a long explanation of every links.


Single Page Application Helpers by Chris Love

docluv/SPAHelper · GitHub ( – The code

docluv/movies · GitHub ( – The demo app code – The actual demo app.

Web Development

AngularJS in Visual Studio: Data Binding - Deborah’s Developer MindScape (

Modifying BootStrap Tab Control for Extra Small Device | Patrick Desjardins’ Blog (

Why is my CDN ‘slow’ for mobile clients? - (


NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.Owin.Host.IIS 1.0.0-alpha1 ( – That my friend is Project Helios. New alpha!

ASP.NET “Project Helios” Changelog (

Back to Basics: When allowing user uploads, don’t allow uploads to execute code - Scott Hanselman (

Introduction to Web API Versioning - CodeProject (

Some Useful IIS Rewrite Rules (

Reading Settings from App Config // Chris Poulter - Web Developer (

WebAPI, PascalCase and camelCase - The Problem Solver (

Writing Asynchronous Web Pages with ASP.NET- Part 3 | Brij’s arena of .NET on (

domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle · GitHub ( – REST Documentation for WebAPI (see “Swagger” demo on a non-WebAPI REST service)

Architecture and Methodology

Chill out on the Singleton Fetish | Jeremy D. Miller (

Self Shunt Pattern (

Source Control (TFS, Git, SVN, etc.)

In what cases could git pull be harmful? - Stack Overflow (