So after a long weekend a few skipped days to relax, I’m coming back with more links!
First, if you are following OWIN, a new release of the OWIN IIS Host has been released. Still in pre-alpha but hey, it’s there! Then there’s two excellent articles on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to read that I would suggest personally and finally, 2 more post about Web API.
That’s for today. I’ll find you some more tomorrow.
NuGet Gallery | Microsoft.Owin.Host.IIS 0.1.1-pre (
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
MSDN article on CORS in Web API 2 | brockallen on (
Re-discovering Microsoft Web API - Pavel Volgarev (
Web API: Mixing Traditional & Verb-Based Routing | Applied Information Sciences Blog (