So I’ve encountered the following issue:
fatal: unable to access ‘https://myurl/myproject.git/': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Basically, we’re working on a local Git Stash project and the certificates changed. While they were working to fix the issues, we had to keep working.
So I know that the server is not compromised (I talked to IT). How do I say “ignore it please”?
Temporary solution
This is because you know they are going to fix it.
PowerShell code:1
$env:GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY = "true"
CMD code:1
This will get you up and running as long as you don’t close the command window. This variable will be reset to nothing as soon as you close it.
Permanent solution
Fix your certificates. Oh… you mean it’s self signed and you will forever use that one? Install it on all machines.
Seriously. I won’t show you how to permanently ignore certificates. Fix your certificate situation because trusting ALL certificates without caring if they are valid or not is juts plain dangerous.
Fix it.