Community Update 2014-06-06 Visual Studio 14, @CanadianJames, ASP.NET, OWIN and Windows Auzre

So I skipped a day since it was slow day on Thursday.

Lots however were added for ASP.NET.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Visual Studio “14”

Visual Studio “14” CTP now available in the Virtual Machine Azure Gallery (

James Chambers Series on MVC/Bootstrap

Day 5: Bootstrap for the Asp.Net Developer | They Call Me Mister James (


Automatic optimization of images, CSS and JavaScript (

QueueBackgroundWorkItem to reliably schedule and run long background processes in ASP.NET (

Experiments in Wackiness: Allowing percents, angle-brackets, and other naughty things in the ASP.NET/IIS Request URL - Scott Hanselman (

Reconciling ASP.NET vNext with Damian Edwards on the Hanselminutes Technology Podcast: Fresh Air for Developers (

Episode 136: WS-Federation and Microsoft OWIN Components with Vittorio Bertocci (

Improving Web Application Performance - Part Two Users & Environment (

Windows Azure

Optimizing calls to Azure storage using Fiddler (