If you haven’t seen the debate on “Is TDD Dead?”, you should definitely take a look at it. The debate include Kent Beck, Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson (creator of Ruby On Rails). The debate is basically around “Is TDD making your code badly design?”. There is currently 3 videos and there is going to be one more on next Tuesday.
Architecture and Methodology
Is TDD Dead (martinfowler.com) – This is a compilation of all the hangout videos that were done. This is a must watch.
Web Development
AutoFixture — a Node.js Test Fixture Library | John Teague’s Blog (lostechies.com)
Calling WCF Web Services from JavaScript - Development With A Dot (weblogs.asp.net)
Search Engines (Lucene, Solr, ElasticSearch)
Lucene Scoring and elasticsearch’s _all Field – Control+R (jontai.me)
Elasticsearch.org This Week In Elasticsearch | Blog | Elasticsearch (www.elasticsearch.org)