Web Development
Missing Javascript Functions (mat.io)
sutoiku/formula.js · GitHub (github.com) – Excel formula for JavaScript
What is the best way to debug Node.js? » { 100PercentJS } (www.100percentjs.com)
Building NuGet 3.x (blog.nuget.org)
Using Octokit.net to authenticate your app with GitHub - You’ve Been Haacked (haacked.com)
OWIN and Katana part 4: Web API on top of OWIN | Exercises in .NET on WordPress.com (dotnetcodr.com)
Search Engine
Search in the Cloud: Build Your Own or AWS? - Google+ (plus.google.com) – 1h08m video
Your Data, Your Search, Elasticsearch (www.youtube.com)
Adding Elasticsearch To An Existing .NET / SQL Server Application (www.youtube.com)