Community Update 2014-03-05 – Part 1 ish #dotnet, #aspnet, #oauth and #owin

So I’m not doing this often but I saw a lot of content this morning so instead of pushing one huge list at the end of the day, I thought about pushing it in an earlier instalment.

It will give you some time to read during lunch maybe. So we get little ASP.NET per se but we got some very interestiung OAuth and OWIN. I decided to repost a few of them since they were posted days apart.

From the kingpin of Backbone.js (Derick Baily) come his “lesson learned” from his ad about his book.

Finally, a feature comparison smackdown between Solr and ElasticSearch.



Upcoming .NET NuGet Releases (

Flushing in ASP.NET MVC | nik codes on (

OAuth & OWIN Must read (some repost)

OAuth 2 Simplified - Aaron Parecki (

OWIN OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site (

Principles of Token Validation | CloudIdentity (


7 Things I Learned From 175,000 Eyes And A Failed Ad | :derick_bailey ( – This guy is basically a Backbone.js master. Checkout his book if you are interested.


Apache Solr vs ElasticSearch - the Feature Smackdown! (