We do have some very great content today. Do not miss out on the architecture section since they are very interesting. We also have some deep-dive on OWIN host and a detailed explanation of the ASP.NET MVC execution pipeline.
If you are trying out ElasticSearch and thinking about putting it in production, do check the pre-flight checklist to ensure that you optimize/secure your instance as much as possible.
As a bonus, a video about WolfSpider a graph tool that groups your contacts together and separate them. Lots of not-.NET tech in there but the video is worth it.
- The Future of API Design: The Orchestration Layer (thenextweb.com)
- The Web API Checklist — 43 Things To Think About When Designing, Testing, and Releasing your API | Mathieu Fenniak (mathieu.fenniak.net)
- OWIN: Customizing the Web Server (www.simple-talk.com)
- Detailed ASP.NET MVC Pipeline (www.dotnet-tricks.com)
- Introducing ASP.NET MVC Throttling Filter - Stefan’s Tech Notes - about life on internet, open source and .net programming (www.stefanprodan.eu)
- Wolf Spider - Titan, Sigma.js, Elasticsearch (www.youtube.com) – Great video about graph analysis with ElasticSearch
- ElasticSearch pre-flight checklist (asquera.de) – Must have before deploying/using an ElasticSearch instance