Anti-Pattern: Anemic Domain Model

Here is an anti-pattern Martin Fowler will agree with. In fact, it’s Martin Fowler that first described this anti-pattern in November 2003. Like Fowler said, it looks like a model, it smells like a model but there is no behaviour inside.

The basic symptom of an Anemic Domain Model is that at first blush it looks like the real thing. There are objects, many named after the nouns in the domain space, and these objects are connected with the rich relationships and structure that true domain models have. The catch comes when you look at the behavior, and you realize that there is hardly any behavior on these objects, making them little more than bags of getters and setters.

The problem with the anemic domain model is that all the logic is not with the associated object. It’s located in the objects that use them. See the problem? So unless you are using the objects that have the behaviours, having the anemic domain model won’t bring you any good. In fact, they just getters and setters with barely enough behaviour to call them objects.

Of course, you gain a good separation of concerns and a gain in “flexibility” of behaviours if ever needed. You also gain the ability to generate those domain models from a modeling tools without having to break a sweat. If there is so many benefits, where’s the catch?

3 times nothing! You just need to separate the business logic multiple time so that every part of the business get their own. Objects can’t self validate since the validation logic is located outside of the object. Everyone need a reference to that specific model DLLs and any shared entities which increase the coupling of the classes. It also increase the code duplication since many part of the business will essentially reuse many parts that other part of the business need. Don’t forget the maintenance! Since the business logic is spread across the business, all the common business logic will need to be updated all at once and validated against their respective service and validation. And that, is if this part of the business want to update. It’s like dealing with many mini-companies within the same companies.

Got enough? So put some business logic inside your domain model and make it easy to understand. If a certain part of the business need so “special” behaviour, it will have to be incorporated inside the main domain model.

But what if you have to maintain an anemic domain model and you want to fix this anti-pattern? Of course you can always rewrite the software but it’s an expensive solution. The solution is that every time a new requirements arrive, put it inside the domain model and DO NOT put it inside the many service class. This is what Greg Young described as “making bubbles”. By making bubbles of great code that is going to be easy to maintain/reuse, and by maintaining the current system, you will finish by replacing everything.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Anti-Pattern: The god object

Because it’s easier to recognize evil if you have a mug shot, here’s one simple for all of you. The god object is a class that knows too much. It’s a severe violation of the Single Responsibility Principle and probably a lot of the other principle of SOLID depending of the implementation.

A basic principle in programming is to divide a problem in subroutines to make the problem easier to solve. It’s also know as “divide and conquer”. The object becomes so aware of everything or all the objects become so dependant of the god object that when there is a change or a bug to fix, it become a real nightmare to implement.

I tend to call those objects “Death Stars”. Death Star Why? Because just like the death star, if someone get to mess up with the core, it will explode. In fact, any modification to this god object will cause ripple of changes everywhere inside the software and will end in lots of bugs.

You can easily recognize of these object by the fear any developers have when getting near it.

So how to solve it? By refactoring of course! The goal is to separate in as much subroutine as possible. Once this is done, you move those subroutines to different classes. Of course, trying to follow the SOLID principles will definitely help.

Resolving a god object is of course really different depending on how omnipotent your god object is. But one thing for sure, you have to separate the “powers” (read: responsibility) and make sure that Single Responsibility Principle is applied.

We all produce code that we really aren't proud of

Everyone produce code. Some peoples give birth to some beautiful, elegant and maintainable code sometime in their career. But pretty much all developers will one day or another give code that is so horrible, inelegant and un-maintainable.

I’m trying as much as possible to separate concerns inside my application so that I don’t have to care about problematic maintenance. I’ve recently had to review some code I did more than a month ago and… I’m not proud. I’m really not proud of the code I saw. It seems that every once in a while we write some code that we won’t be proud of.

Of course, we improve our coding skills every day and every time we encounter new technology and new idea. Hell, I like the SOLID principles and the TDD ideas. I love the concept of separation of concerns and modularization of an application. So how come I wrote this code?

I can’t remember exactly why honestly. Maybe I was rushed or I wanted to rush through it. How knows… what is important however is to know that the code that you wrote taste like a cheap wine. It’s important to take a note of it and make sure to “maintain your code garden”. This is at the moment that the title of my blog actually makes sense. Even with the best intention, code quality decay and if nothing is done, you finish with a half rotten application that nobody will care about.

So what to do about it? Make sure to improve the quality of existing code everyday. If we write bad code 10% of the time (number that I just picked from the top of my head) and good code 90% of the time, imagine if we take only a few hours per week to correct mistakes.

You probably won’t have the time to fix it. Who does? But there will be a day where you will finish an hour early and that you will wonder if you should start implementing a new feature or go home early. If you took note of those classes that need improvements, you could easily take this hour to maintain your code garden and be proud of the code that you did.

So, the first “time off” that I have will be used to fix this part of code that I’m not proud of.

Anyone else who wrote some shameful code?

Model View Presenter Revisited

The MVP pattern is a pattern that came into being in the early 1990s by Taligent. This pattern is mostly used inside WinForms and WebForms.

The View normally don’t do anything. The official implementation is described as the following.

The view instantiate the presenter with an instance of itself. The constructor parameter of the presenter must be an interface of the view. When events of the view happens, they must call the presenter without any parameter/return value. If the presenter need data, the presenter will get the data from the view interface without the view giving the data directly. Changes to the view must be done through the presenter.

Of course, this is a literal implementation from 1990. Of course, today we have more advanced paradigm that works quite nice. What is interesting is, with proper data binding, that we can change the value on the views without even calling methods of the view.

It is possible to add a databinding on a property of the presenter. Once the databinding is done, it’s possible to just change the presenter’s property to fire events on the view that will automatically updates the control.

It removes some implementation details of the MVP and make the pattern easier to implement.

Need a sample? Here it goes to implement an “auto-notify” property when it change inside a presenter:

public class MyPresenter : IPresenter, INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly IView view;
private int randomNumber;

public int RandomNumber
get { return randomNumber; }
if (randomNumber == value) return;

randomNumber = value;

#region Implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged

// custom method to ease the change of event
public void RaiseEvent(string propertyName)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };


public MyPresenter(IView view)
this.view = view;

public void GenerateRandomNumber()
Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
RandomNumber = rnd.Next(0, 100);

This will raise an event every time that a DIFFERENT value will be assigned to the property RandomNumber or when the event is fired. Now for the view, it look like this:

public partial class frmMain : Form, IView
private readonly IPresenter presenter;

public frmMain()
presenter = new MyPresenter(this);

public void InitializeBindings(IPresenter currentPresenter)
textBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", currentPresenter, "RandomNumber", false, DataSourceUpdateMode.Never);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

The method InitializeBindings is called in the constructor of the presenter and will ensure that the binding are made only once. This will NOT require additional methods inside the view to assign the generated number inside the TextBox. This implementation respect the model definition while using the latest binding technology of .NET.

This reduce the amount of useless method while keeping the framework in charge of the bindings.

Here is the resulting interfaces from the implementation:

public interface IPresenter
int RandomNumber { get; set; }
void GenerateRandomNumber();

public interface IView
void InitializeBindings(IPresenter currentPresenter);

Part 3 - Advanced mocking functionalities of Moq

See also: Part 1 - Part 2

When you have some simple scenario like “when the method “GetTax” is called, return 5$” it’s a simple scenario that a lot of mockers will see. However, there is some rarer scenario that people will wonder how to do it.

One of those scenario is with event handlers. The scenario would be like “if a Product is added to a ShoppingCart, a ProductAdded event should be fired”.

Let’s start with the basic class bellow which implement our scenario:

namespace MoqSamples
public interface IProduct
bool IsValid { get; }

public class ProductEventArgs : EventArgs
public ProductEventArgs(IProduct product)

Product = product;

public IProduct Product { get; private set; }

public class ShoppingCart
private readonly List<IProduct> Products = new List<IProduct>();
public event EventHandler<ProductEventArgs> ProductAdded = delegate { };

public void Add(IProduct product)

if (product.IsValid)
ProductAdded(this, new ProductEventArgs(product));

Event Handlers

What we want to test here, is every time we add a valid product an event ProductAdded should be fired.

I have played with Moq a bit trying to get it to work with ShoppingCart. As I tried to mock the event, I tried to create mocks and use the instructions on Moq site but wasn’t able to make it happen. If I tried to mock the class itself it wouldn’t allow me to do expectations even if I extracted an interface out of it. If I mock the interface, I lose the logic inside my class. I was thinking about creating a mocked event handlers and see if it ever get called but… you need a mock to create a mocked event handler. With this, we’ll have to wait for Moq 3.0 (which is in beta at the moment of writing this article). Here is the test I came up with that didn’t work :

public void Adding_A_Valid_Product_Fire_Event()

// Setup our product so that it always returns true on a IsValid verification
Mock<IProduct> product = new Mock<IProduct>();
product.Expect(currentProduct => currentProduct.IsValid).Returns(true);

// setup an event argument for our event
ProductEventArgs productEventArgs = new ProductEventArgs(product.Object);

// setup a mocked shopping cart to create our mocked event handler and a true shopping cart to test
Mock<ShoppingCart> mockedShoppingCart = new Mock<ShoppingCart>();

//creating the event a mocked event
MockedEvent<ProductEventArgs> mockedEvent = mockedShoppingCart.CreateEventHandler<ProductEventArgs>();
mockedShoppingCart.Object.ProductAdded += mockedEvent;
mockedShoppingCart.Expect(shopping => shopping.Add(product.Object)).Raises(mockedEvent, productEventArgs).Verifiable();

//making the test
IShoppingCart myShoppingCart = mockedShoppingCart.Object;


And here is my simple fix to test this:

public void Adding_A_Valid_Product_Fire_Event()

// Setup our product so that it always returns true on a IsValid verification
Mock<IProduct> product = new Mock<IProduct>();
product.Expect(currentProduct => currentProduct.IsValid).Returns(true);

// setup an event argument for our event
ProductEventArgs productEventArgs = new ProductEventArgs(product.Object);

// creating our objects and events
ShoppingCart myShoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();
bool isCalled = false;
myShoppingCart.ProductAdded += (sender, e) => isCalled = true;

// Testing the Add method if it fire the event

// make sure the event was called
Assert.AreEqual(isCalled, true);

Way more small and more efficient with the mocking. Sometimes, it’s better not to try to bend the framework and find the shortest solution that works.

Moq Factories

Moq have factories to help centralize the mocking configuration. The only two configuration available is CallBase and DefaultValue. Every mock created with the factories will allow you to reuse the configuration and reduce the amount of line for setting up the mock.

Here’s a sample for the factory initialization:

public void Moq_Test_With_Factories()

// Initialize factories with default behaviours
MockFactory mockFactory = new MockFactory(MockBehavior.Default);

// Setup parameters for mocking
mockFactory.CallBase = true;
mockFactory.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;

// create mocks with the factory
Mock<IProduct> product = mockFactory.Create<IProduct>();

This is of course really easy but… what about the parameters?


CallBase is defined as “Invoke base class implementation if no expectation overrides the member. This is called “Partial Mock”. It allows to mock certain part of a class without having to mock everything.


There is 2 possible values here. One of them is “Empty” which return default value of the class. The one used in the example is “Mock” which allows “automocking”. If a property is mockable, a mock is automatically returned.


The constructor of the MockFactory needs a MockBehaviour parameter. 3 values are possible, Default, Loose and Strict.

Strict mock makes mocked object throw an exception for every call to a mocked object that doesn’t have an expectation. Loose (which is also Default) will always return default values or empty arrays or null.

By using the factory properly, it’s possible to set one style of mocking and reuse theses settings without having to rewrite 1 or 2 more lines per mock.

How to add custom build step to a TFS Server Build ?

Most of the time when you are creating a build script (TFSBuild.proj), you need to do some steps after the build. Wether it’s creating an MSI for easier deployment, creating a VSI for a Visual Studio Add-in, or whatever if may be… you normally do a post build.

A post build event looks like the following inside the TFSBuild.proj :

<Target Name="AfterDropBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="PostBuildStep" />

<Target Name="PostBuildStep">
<!-- Do something -->

When you only have 1 or 2 tasks and that one fails, it might be easy to find the one that failed. What if you have 8 to 20 tasks? It then becomes incredibly hard to find which one failed. What I’ve seen the most is normally some ““ tags with some descriptive tasks. This is the equivalent of debugging with Console.WriteLine or Debug.Print.

What if you could know EXACTLY which task failed to run? Here is a way to add a custom build step to your TFS build which will allow you to easily know what crashed.

<Target Name="PostBuildStep">
<!-- Create the build steps which start in mode "Running" -->
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)" BuildUri="$(BuildUri)" Message="Doing Something on a PostBuild Event" Condition=" '$(IsDesktopBuild)' != 'true' ">
<!-- Return the ID of the tasks and assigned it to "PropertyName" -->
<Output TaskParameter="Id" PropertyName="PostBuildStepId" />

<!-- Do something -->

<!-- When everything is done, change the status of the task to "Succeeded" -->
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)" BuildUri="$(BuildUri)" Id="$(PostBuildStepId)" Status="Succeeded" Condition=" '$(IsDesktopBuild)' != 'true' " />

<!-- If an error occurs during the process, run the target "PostBuildStepFailed" -->
<OnError ExecuteTargets="PostBuildStepFailed" />

<Target Name="PostBuildStepFailed">
<!-- Change the status of the task to "Failed" -->
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)" BuildUri="$(BuildUri)" Id="$(PostBuildStepId)" Status="Failed" Condition=" '$(IsDesktopBuild)' != 'true' " />

With that in place, you will see exactly which task failed. As a bonus, it will also give you the time at which it completed. This will easily allow you to compare with your other task to see which one is taking the most time.

I would like to thank Martin Woodward which is a TeamSystem MVP. The question originated from Stackoverflow and more details are also available on Martin’s website.

Why should I use mocking objects in my Unit Test?

If we cut out any “fanboy” or favouritism toward certain framework and that we try to keep it in a one liner… I would say: “To simulate behaviours of objects that are impractical or impossible to incorporate inside a unit test”.

The Wikipedia’s article about Mock Object mention some reason an object should be mocked.

The object…

Supplies Non-Deterministic Results

By “non-deterministic” we mean everything from time, currency rate, shipping rate, etc. Any value that could be changing because of a specific implementation such as algorithm should be mocked. Mocked object allows you to return predetermined value that are independent of the algorithm/time/etc.

This allows to more easily test the state of the System Under Test (SUT) after running some methods.

Has States that are difficult to create or reproduce

The example given by Wikipedia is “network error”. It’s difficult to reproduce this kind of situation on every developers station. Other situation might include security, location of the test on disk, network availability (not just errors). If some objects that the SUT is using require any of those, the tests WILL fail somewhere and somehow. If it’s not on a developer’s machine, it’s going to be on the build machine.

Mocking those objects and giving them proper behaviour will remove any required “settings” that are necessary to run a Unit Test.

Is Slow

Databases, network, file access (up to a point) are all slow. If your SUT is an ObjectService that is using a Repository and you are hitting directly on the databases, it is bound to be slow. Of course the database can cope with it. But as you had more tests, the unit will soon take HOURS to run. With a small in-memory database will save the day and run those tests in less than a few minutes.

A mocked repository might just keep a collection of saved object so that when a “Get” method is called, it’s readily available in this collection. This kind of mock is called a “fake” in the world of Mocking. It implements more complex behaviour but allows for easy initialization and more timely responses.

Does not yet exist or may change behaviour

If the only thing that is currently available within your system boundaries are contracts (Interfaces in C#), it’s more easy to mock the interface that the SUT is requiring and go with this temporarily while the component is being developed. This allow testing and coding at the same time.


Mocking is an excellent tool to test a specific object under controlled conditions. Of course, those conditions are bound to change and tests are going to be maintained. Why I particularly like is when I use a mocking framework, I don’t need to create 1000+ objects (exaggerating here) with some specific behaviours or create “too intelligent” mock that will have to be maintained. I dynamically declare a mock with my favourite mocking framework with the expected call and the expected returns and I go through with that.

What normally happens is I have considerably less mocking objects inside my Unit Tests and the only objects that are left standing are some in-memory database objects with simple implementation that would be to hard to define with a mocking framework.

Is blogging making people blog?

I have a colleague that have his own blog. When I started blogging, it was because of Jeff Atwood’s post about starting to write and him having say on StackOverflow’s podcast that he’s not always right but that he have an online presence and that he’s loud.

I agree. Having a blog and writing it (useful or not) is a way to broadcast yourself. Having a blog (depending on what you it) can be good for your career and can also serve as a way to store your personal knowledge that you gained through out projects.

I’m happy that I started my blog. It’s kind of a technical diary and I’m more than happy to write to it when I have a moment.

To go back to my colleague, he’s a nice guy with a huge technical knowledge. What I’m proud of is this. I started my blog in 2009 and he had his since 2007. During 2007 and 2008 he wrote an average of 5-8 post per years. When I started my blog, he followed me on my journey and we started comparing Google Analytics total number of visits. That’s when the friendly competition started.

He knew that I would win easily if he wasn’t going to post something interesting. So he started following me. That’s why I say that blogging is contagious.

Now instead of making around 8 blog post a year, he makes 8+ a month.

Is that THAT contagious or are we the only duo of blogger like that?

When would you use delegates in C#?

This is a valid question. Before C# 3.0, you could use delegates or declare full methods to bind to events. Now we can declare event directly through lambda. (See this post on many different examples on how to bind event handlers).

Jon Skeet answered me the following:


    • Event handlers (for GUI and more) Starting threads Callbacks (e.g. for async APIs) LINQ and similar (List.Find etc) Anywhere else where I want to effectively apply “template” code with some specialized logic inside (where the delegate provides the specialization)

Delegates is a keyword that can be used to declare inline methods. This inline code can be stored inside variables and then executed when necessary. This is exactly what happens when you are binding methods to events. You are storing the signature of the method inside a variable that will store multiple methods signature and call them when an event is happening.

Of course, it’s limiting to think about delegates only as events. If we check the standard definition for the word delegation):

In its original usage, delegation refers to one object relying upon another to provide a specified set of functionalities. […] Delegation is the simple yet powerful concept of handing a task over to another part of the program.

As I already demonstrated inside the StreamProxy class, we can easily give another software the tools  to answer it’s solution. But sometimes, the call might not be necessary. Just like when you are sending a data repository to a service class to save a model, delegate is basically just sending any method that match the accepted signature  instead of complete class.

One of the most recent use of Lambda’s inside C# is inside Mocking tools. Moq use those to easily describe expectations, returned values, and so on. This allow Moq to be type safe instead of relying on Reflection and string comparison. This has brought us compile time check rather than runtime check.

There is a lot of use for delegates and they are being used more and more. Lots of languages support some form of delegation (.NET, C++, JAVA, and many more)

Hope delegates are not as foreign as they were 1 year ago.

Do modern compilers optimize the x * 2 operation to x << 1?

I was wondering wether the C++ compiler inside Visual Studio 2008 was optimizing it the way it would logically be. So I asked the question on Stackoverflow. It was among my first questions and was to see how the community would answer (yeah I’m lazy).

I was promptly answered by Rob Walker. He showed me what the compiler outputted.


01391000  push        ecx
int x = 0;

scanf("%d", &amp;x);
01391001 lea eax,[esp]
01391004 push eax
01391005 push offset string "%d" (13920F4h)
0139100A mov dword ptr [esp+8],0
01391012 call dword ptr [__imp__scanf (13920A4h)]

int y = x * 2;
01391018 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+8]
0139101C lea edx,[ecx+ecx]


int y = x * 2;
000000013FB9101E mov edx,dword ptr [x]

printf("%d", y);
000000013FB91022 lea rcx,[string "%d" (13FB921B0h)]
000000013FB91029 add edx,edx

While this gives us a lot of information about what it does, it’s normally a pretty bad idea to try to outsmart the compiler. The compiler have it’s own way to optimize some operations to make sure that it run best on the targeted platform.

To quote Raymond Chen:

Of course, the compiler is free to recognize this and rewrite your multiplication or shift operation. In fact, it is very likely to do this, because x+x is more easily pairable than a multiplication or shift. Your shift or multiply-by-two is probably going to be rewritten as something closer to an add eax, eax instruction.

The moral of the story is to write what you mean. If you want to divide by two, then write “/2”, not “>>1”

Bold was added by me for emphasis. Raymond Chen wrote that in 2005. Write what you mean. Wow. If you want to multiply then write “*2” and if you want to divide write “/“. If you are meaning to shift bits, then so! But don’t try to outsmart the compiler by doing bit shifting.

If you are doing bit shifting do gain performance, you are doing something wrong.  There is many other way to gain performance in the kind of application we, developers, are building and bit shifting is not one of them.

You are simply losing readability for maybe a few milliseconds.

Review and Summary of Greg Young's presentation

Greg had a presentation here in Montreal for the user group “.NET Montreal Community”. I didn’t know Greg before his presentation. He was talking about “Everything you wanted to know about architecture but were afraid to ask”. I must say that this presentation was really revealing to some point. Greg really made a point that customers are the architect’s priority and that the job of the architect is to bring IT and Business together.

His presentation was energetic, funny (man… you should see those slides!) and when you left… you learned something.

Here’s what I remember 24 hours after the presentation.

Context is everything.

Pushing a prototype directly to production might be a good idea if it means the company’s survival to get this product available. It all depend on… the context! If the application is a startup and no money is being made, the faster you have a product, the faster money starts to get in. In this scenario, you have to make some sacrifices. Instead of configuring a BizTalk installation, you might do a simple In-Code workflow that will help you get the first version out. It is not however a reason to keep the code crappy. This is a technical debt and will need to be paid back later. When the product/business starts making money, a proper BizTalk installation will have to be done and rewriting the workflow part will probably be time intensive.

Software is there to bring money or to save money

Which bring us to this. Money.

A software is not there to save reports to a database. It’s there to save money by automating the reports creation so that someone doesn’t have to spend 3 hours making a report (saving money here!).  It’s there to MAKE money in the case where you are actually building a product or offering a service to potential client. By keeping this in mind, we keep a better view of what the client really want.

When in a BBoM, build bubbles

If you are in a situation where all the code is crap, start by building a bubble around what you are currently implementing so that other system can’t break you. By bubble, we mean “clean code” that will do the work it is supposed to do, be testable, perform, etc..

Of course the bubble is going to be pierced and demolished with time but the longer people work on the system and the more bubble you build and in the end, you finish by having a nice encapsulated system with less mud. There will still be mud. It never will go totally away. But way less than if you would have thrown garbage code everywhere.

TTL (time to live) of a system is important

If the system is going to be rebuilt every 3 years, it’s worthless to build it like it’s going to last 25. A lot of money can be saved when you don’t have to make code that will last 25 years.

It doesn’t mean that QoS and other non-functional requirements are not necessary. It is as necessary as anywhere. It just means that there won’t be a 8 month planning to build the best architecture possible so that it can actually overcome ANY changes the business might have. By reducing the amount of architecture and choosing a simpler architecture that will be easier to maintain but less impervious to changes. Complexity to such a system will eventually increase up to a point where a rewrite is necessary. But here is the trick… a planned rewrite. Because of this, less time is spent on development and more time is spent on making money. Business loves that.

Architect must keep sight of the current context

Let’s take an example. You have been hired by a small retail business to build an e-Commerce web site. The company is a start-up and living off debt. Their website is scheduled to be release in a month and they are expecting this money to payoff their debt and increase the sales.

Of course, you could start by building a site that will suite their needs and will start making them money. But you can also build the Next-Generation-E-Commerce-Application-That-Will-Blow-Competitors-Away but that will take 2 years to complete.

The goal is to keep sight on what the client need. The client want to make money. It’s boring. It’s more fun to build something that is incredibly powerful and that will be a real technical pleasure to build. If you chose #2, you just lost sight of your context.

The client would need money but you are lost on building “the next big thing”.


Context is king for an architect. Craftsmanship must take the second place when making money (thus paying YOU) comes in the highest priority. It’s not however a reason to slack off and write crap code. The better our code the easier to maintain and the easier to add new functionality it is. There is just times that prototypes are going to be shipped in production because it’s essential to the business and that you are going to maintain it. The main goal is to be aware when we get a technical debt and to be able to reimburse it as soon as possible to keep the client happy.

The presentation Greg gave was very interesting and I really would love to see another presentation by Greg (DevTeach 2009? Montreal User Group?). If I got anything wrong in here, please tell me. I would love to discuss it with more people!

Re: Do We Need a New Internet?

That was the question asked by the New York Times in this article.

If you were in for the short answer and want to leave that quickly… here it is. No.

What I really liked about this article how that “growing belief among engineers and security experts that Internet security and privacy have become so maddeningly elusive that the only way to fix the problem is to start over”.

Start over? What happen when you start over? Ask Netscape, dBase, and many other. Joel Spolsky have written this inside his blog in April 2000. Close to 9 years ago and I still agree with him. But those are private company that failed because they were in a competition with other companies. That can’t be true for the internet right? The current network is now spread to pretty much all countries in the world. The United States of America are still among the leaders and the ones bringing bright ideas/technology to improve what we already have. If America were to drop out of the Internet and start their own thing, 2 things would happen.

First the network would stay alive (how many countries can just start over?). And America would seriously lag behind… like Netscape, dBase, etc. Sound familiar? Yep. That’s it’s… starting from scratch.

What I really disliked in the article is that “[…] users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety”. Americans already did this and nobody is really more safe. I’ll refer to my good friend Ben to take over for this one: “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.“.

So… No. There won’t be any new “Internet”. We must focus on what we already have. Like Joel Spolsky already wrote in this April 2000 article, “It’s harder to read code than to write it”. Taken on an IT side, it would mean that it’s harder to understand how everything is working than to just start over and start from scratch. Starting from scratch is easy because you have a green field but just like the current network, it would become really fast as close to what it is today. If it’s faster, people will find bigger things to transfer. If it’s safer, people will find bug in the software somewhere and exploit them. If you have less freedom… that will always be gone.

So stop complaining. Fight for Net Neutrality but please stop believing that starting anew will solve all your problems. Most of the time… it only bring other problems that you haven’t seen before and nothing would have really changed.

Unit testing Internals member of a solution from another project

Here is a little bit of knowledge that lots of people are not aware of. There is an Attribute that is InternalsVisibleToAttribute that allows access to a specific external project (the unit test project).

This attribute, once inserted inside AssemblyInfo.cs, will grant “public” visibility to all internal members of the project to the project specified within the attribute.

Here is how it is shown on MSDN:

[assembly:InternalsVisibleTo("MyAssembly, PublicKey=32ab4ba45e0a69a1")]

It is however wrong and will never work. The main reason is that what is there let us believe that it’s the PublicKeyToken but it is in fact the PublicKey as clearly typed there.

So… how do we get this PublicKey? By executing the following command: sn -Tp MyAssembly.dll

The result is going to be something like the following:

Public key is
Public key token is 96dfc321948ee54c

Here is the end result to make it properly visible:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("AssemblyB, PublicKey="
+ "0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100adfedd2329a0f8"
+ "3e057f0b14e47f02ec865e542c2dcca6349177fe3530edd5080276c48c6d02fa0a6f67738cc1a0"
+ "793be3322cf17b8995acc15055c00fa61b67a203c7eb2516922810ff0b17cd2e08492bdcafc4a9"
+ "23e6fff4caba672a4c2d0d0f5cac9aea95c3dce3717bb733d852c387f5f025c42c14ec8d759f7e"
+ "b13689be" )]

After this step is done, all reference to internal members are considered “public” for this specific project. This simple trick allows you to complete your tests and don’t gives any excuse not to test.

Problem deploying a solution package on a SharePoint 2007 farm?

You have a WSP and you are trying to deploy it inside the farm and it doesn’t work. You hate it. You try to look in the Event Viewer, SharePoint logs, etc.

Before you event start looking around everywhere, be sure to know that when you are adding/deploying a solution package you need some specify right.

Here is a small checklist:

  • DBO access to the Configuration database (normally end with “_Config”)
  • Farm administrator of the SharePoint site

But you are probably why it was working on the development machine and not in production?

Why am I not DBO?

Normally when a development machine is created, the developers are Administrators on the machine. Most SharePoint/WSS installations are made on a SQL Server 2005 installation. When installing SharePoint on a SQL Server 2005, all administrators of the machine where the database is installed are DBO. However, in a production environment, developers are given more restricted access and often doesn’t have DBO access on the database.

Why am I not Farm administrator?

As for the Farm administrator situation, the user that configure SharePoint on the development machine is automatically given Farm Administrators right which is not the case in Production environment.


It is really important to know which minimum permissions are required to do certain task inside SharePoint 2007. This is a specific case where only trusted users are allowed to make such system wide changes. SharePoint 2007 is configured to be “secured by default” and restricted to disallow any unauthorized user to make changes that could compromise the farm.

Enjoy your SharePoints deployments

Easily enable databindings on a ToolStripButton

I was developping an application lately and I needed to bind the “Enabled” property of a ToolStripButton to my Presenter. I failed to find any “DataSource” or “DataBindings” property. I then decided to make my own button without reinventing the wheel to enable this capability.

Here’s this simple class:

public class ToolStripBindableButton : ToolStripButton, IBindableComponent
private ControlBindingsCollection dataBindings;

private BindingContext bindingContext;

public ControlBindingsCollection DataBindings
if(dataBindings == null) dataBindings = new ControlBindingsCollection(this);
return dataBindings;

public BindingContext BindingContext
if(bindingContext == null) bindingContext = new BindingContext();
return bindingContext;
set { bindingContext = value; }

Once you include this simple class inside your project/solution… you can easily convert any ToolStripButton into our new ToolStripBindableButton.

And I solved my problem like this:

myBindableButton.DataBindings.Add("Enabled", myPresenter, "CanDoSomething");

Part 2 - Basic of mocking with Moq

See also:  Part 1 - Part 3

As every mocking framework, except TypeMock which can perform differently, every mocked class can’t be sealed and methods that need to be mocked need to be public. If  the class is not inheriting from an interface, the method that are being mocked need to be virtual.

Once this is cleared… let’s show a simple example of a Product having it’s price calculated with a Tax Calculator.

Here’s what we are starting with:

public class Product
public int ID { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public decimal RawPrice { get; set; }
public decimal GetPriceWithTax(ITaxCalculator calculator)

return calculator.GetTax(RawPrice) + RawPrice;

public interface ITaxCalculator
decimal GetTax(decimal rawPrice);

The method we want to test here is Product.GetPriceWithTax(ITaxCalculator). At the same time, we don’t want to instantiate a real tax calculator which gets it’s data from a configuration or a database. Unit tests should never depend upon your application’s configuration or a database. By “application’s configuration”, I mean “App.config” or “web.config” which are often changed during the life of an application and might inadvertently fail your tests.

So, we are going to simply mock our tax calculator like this:

//Initialize our product
Product myProduct = new Product {ID = 1, Name = "Simple Product", RawPrice = 25.0M};

//Create a mock with Moq
Mock<ITaxCalculator> fakeTaxCalculator = new Mock<ITaxCalculator>();

// make sure to return 5$ of tax for a 25$ product
fakeTaxCalculator.Expect(tax => tax.GetTax(25.0M)).Returns(5.0M);

Now It all depends on what you want to  test. Depending if you are a “State” (Classic) or “Behaviour verification” (Mockist), you will want to test different things. If you don’t know the difference, don’t bother now but you might want to look at this article by Martin Fowler.

So if we want to make sure that “GetTax” from our interface was called:

// Retrived the calculated tax
decimal calculatedTax = myProduct.GetPriceWithTax(fakeTaxCalculator.Object);

// Verify that the "GetTax" method was called from the interface
fakeTaxCalculator.Verify(tax => tax.GetTax(25.0M));

If you want to make sure that the calculated price equal your product price with your tax added (which confirm that the taxes were calculated):

// Retrieved the calculated tax
decimal calculatedTax = myProduct.GetPriceWithTax(fakeTaxCalculator.Object);

// Make sure that the taxes were calculated
Assert.AreEqual(calculatedTax, 30.0M);

What’s the difference? The first example verify the behaviour by making sure that “GetTax” was called. It doesn’t care about the value returned. It could return 100$ and it would care. All that mattered in this example was that GetTax was called. Once this is done, we can assume that the expected behaviour was confirmed.

The second example is a state verification. We throw 25$ inside the tax calculator and we expect the tax calculator to return 5$ for a total price of 30$. It wouldn’t call GetTax and it wouldn’t care. As long as the proper value is returned, it’s valid.

Some people will argue that behaviour is better than state (or vice versa). Personally, I’m a fan of both. A good example is that I might want to verify that an invalid invoice will not be persisted to the database and a behaviour verification approach is perfect for this case. But if I’m verifying (like in this case) that the tax were properly calculated, state behaviour is more often than not quicker and more easier to understand.

Nothing prevent your from doing both and making sure that everything works. I’m still not a full fledged TDD developer but I’m trying as much as possible to make tests for my classes as often as possible.

If you found this article helpful, please leave a comment! They will be mostly helpful for my presentation on February 25th 2009 at

Top tips to increase your productivity

In fact… there is only one.

Stop browsing. Start working.

Nothing makes better sense than that. We are constantly surrounded by information from every kind and from all kinds of source. May they be “normal news” or Microsoft announcements or even nice piece of code on Dzone or Dotnetkicks or spending “a few minutes” on reddit, the most important thing is… stop it.

Keep those for home browsing.

You should see your productivity sky rocket immediately.

Don’t wait until someone tells you.

Part 1 - Introduction to Moq

See also:  Part 2 - Part 3

This is the first post of a serie on mocking with Moq. I’ll be giving a conference a .NET Montreal Community on February 25th and I though there it would be good reference to anyone attending the @Lunch event.

What is Moq?

Moq is a mocking framework like RhynoMock and TypeMock jointly developed by Clarius, Manas and InSTEDD. It heavily use Lambda to create expectations and returning results. It’s been highly criticized as not making any distinctions between Mocks and Stubs.

What is import to remember, is that unless you are philosophically attached to your testing style… most developer don’t make any different between them and rather do behaviour testing.

Moq easily allows you to change it’s behaviour from “Strict” to “Loose” (Loose being the default). Strict behaviour won’t allow any calls on the mocked object unless it’s been previously marked as expected. Loose will allow all calls and return a default value for it.

There is a lot off more advanced behaviours that can be configured and used.

Why another mocking framework?

Daniel Cazzulino (A.k.a Kzu) blogged a lot about Moq and even compared why he helped in creating Moq. Moq was created to ease the learning curve of learning a mocking framework while blurring the distinctions between mocks and stubs.

Moq allow you to quickly get into mocking (a good thing) while allowing more complex scenarios by more purist mockists. It’s the perfect mocking framework if you have never touched a mocking framework and is your first experience.

Where do I download it?

You can download Moq directly here. At the moment of writing this post, Moq was at version 2.6.1014 and Moq 3.0 was available as a beta.

How to install it?

Once Moq is downloaded and extracted from it’s zip file, you can easily add the single DLL (Moq.dll) inside your project install it inside the GAC if you are going to use it on many projects.

Stay up to date

After this brief introduction, I’ll show more advanced feature of Moq with code sample on how to use them and why to use them.

Code Snippet - Quickly changing the host in an URL in C#

Quick code snippet today. Let’s say you have some URLs that you want to change the hostname/port on it without having to do string manipulation.

//multiple constructor are available
UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder("http://localhost:1712")
Host = Environment.MachineName,
Port = 80
Uri myNewUri = builder.Uri;

There you go! It’s as easy as this. This will avoid countless hour of parsing a URL for the hostname, port number or whatever else you are searching.

The bonus with that is that the path of the URL won’t be touched at all.

Have fun!

Stop using those stupid Model example

Stop using Circle/Square/Rectangle, People/Employee, Car/Model  examples for models or example on how to use Object-Oriented Principles or any example at all.

There is plenty of “Open” model that you can use. Here’s a simple list for those who needs inspiration:

  • Blog (Posts, Comments, Authors, etc…)
  • E-Commerce (Invoice, Order, Customer, Warehouse, Inventory, etc…)
  • Auction (Auction, Seller, Buyer, Reputation, etc….)
  • Bank (Account, Transactions, Customer, etc…)
  • News site (Article, User, Approver, etc…)
  • And so many more

Unless you are explaining what is OOP to total beginner that never did any of this, you should use more advanced model to explain practices, design patterns or anything else. Otherwise, we’ll keep on babbling on stupid model how a Square is a Rectangle and so on.

The time has come to stop using 1st grade model to explain advanced concept. Most people should be able to easily pick one of the model I’ve shown above and display one element of the model to easily make it available to everyone.

Who’s with me?